× Kinomap, Be on Track!
Malcolm Surgenor Nach Malcolm Surgenor

9.13 mi
381 ft

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Men's Elite Time Trial (Video 3/4), UCI Cycling World Championships, Glasgow 2023

Men's Elite Time Trial (Video 3 of 4)

The UCI Cycling World Championships take place in Scotland from 3-13 August 2023. It's the first time all 13 cycling disciplines and world championship events have ever been staged in one mega event.  Most of the roads being used for the road, time trial, gran fondo and para-cycling events I have ridden over and filmed for Kinomap previously but I wanted to refilm some of them to give you the experience of the roads and road surfaces as close to those that the athletes will experience on the actual events.

This series of videos gives you the opportunity to cycle the Time Trial events that take place in Stirling for the Elite Men and Women groups. (If you cycle them you'll also have cycled the men and women under 23 events too as these are just shorter versions of the Elite routes).

The Men's Elite Individual Time Trial is over 47.8k of mainly flat country roads to the West of Stirling in central Scotland. You can cycle the whole route in one using this video or you can cycle it in four smaller chunks using these videos:


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