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GravelDeluxe Nach GravelDeluxe

11.563 mi
1161 ft

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🏞️🌞😍 Val di Sole Dolomiten Panorama - Ciclabile PT1

Deutsch: Die Gravel-Route im Val di Sole ist ein 60 km langes Abenteuer in den traumhaften Brenta-Dolomiten. Die Strecke bietet atemberaubende Ausblicke, knackige Anstiege und rasante Abfahrten.

Englisch: The gravel route in Val di Sole is a 60 km adventure in the stunning Brenta Dolomites. The route offers breathtaking views, challenging climbs and fast descents.

Italienisch: Il percorso gravel in Val di Sole è un'avventura di 60 km nelle bellissime Dolomiti di Brenta. Il percorso offre panorami mozzafiato, salite impegnative e discese veloci.

A great trip through Val di Sole in Trentino Italy with the backdrop of the Brenta Dolomites.

First part is the official cyclepath - easy to ride and with a nice panorama.
Second video is more gravel focused in the valley a way back.
The third video is a section of the whole ride - a nice forrest path.
The final section of the ride was mountain-bike -> monster gravel territory ... an experience.

The whole story on https://graveldeluxe.com/gravel-routen/abenteuer-alpine-gravel-val-di-sole

Nachhaltige Radbekleidung aus dem Norden: Spare 20% bei  Triple2 - mit Code "GravelDeluxe". 🌿🚴‍♂️
Lust auf Graveln? Diese und 2000 weitere Routen auf http://graveldeluxe.com der führenden Gravel Routen sammlung in Europa.
Folgt uns auch hier:
Instagram: https://instagram.com/graveldeluxe_
Strava Club: https://www.strava.com/clubs/graveldeluxe
Komoot: https://www.komoot.de/user/graveldeluxe
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@graveldeluxe

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