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33.189 mi
256 ft

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Bike. 54 km. Spring. Germany - North-Rhine-Westphalia. Wesel-Rees-Wesel. 2 hr 27 mins. 53,4 km. Sunny spring day.

Bike 54 km. Spring Germany- North-Rhine-Westphalia Wesel-Rees-Wesel 2 hr 27 mins . 53,4 km. Sunny spring day. A tour from the city of Wesel on the right bank of the Rhine river to Rees. Crossing the Rhine with the ferry and back on the left bank to Wesel. Passing the cities and villages of Bislich, Obermörmter, Wardt and Lüttingen. Lots of spring flowers left and right of the roads With markers every (few) kilometer(s) (and some information on the surroundings). Footage April 2021

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