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Hike down the Ella Rock 🇱🇰🪨🚂🌱🥾

Ella Rock, one of the most beautiful hikes in Sri Lanka 🇱🇰🥾. To see the fantastic view, you first have to hike a little over the still-used railroad tracks 🚂. But why are we hiking down today? Actually, we wanted to show you the way up and chose a less touristy path, but it wasn't really a path & so we wanted to save you the hassle of walking through 1.5 m high grass and jungle! When we arrived at the top - damn fog everywhere 😶‍🌫️! But the way down offers more anyway - countryside, tea 🌱 & then the railroad 🛤️. Something for everyone! Always be ready to jump to the side! 🦺

Your s8c_boys, Michael & Maxi

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