× Kinomap, Be on Track!
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🚴🔻Day Tour 4: Lac Hongrin (6/6) - Aigle

Day out in a sunny october day. Starting from the castle of Gruyère the ride goes steadilly uphill passing the lac de Hongrin untill Les Agittes, where the steep downhill starts towards Aigle, todays final destination. 

The following parts are available:

Day Tour 4: Lac Hongrin (1/6) - Montbovon
Day Tour 4: Lac Hongrin (2/6) - Les Tronc (uphill)
Day Tour 4: Lac Hongrin (3/6) - Lac Hongrin (uphill)
Day Tour 4: Lac Hongrin (4/6) - La Lecherette (uphill)
Day Tour 4: Lac Hongrin (5/6) - Les Agittes (uphill)
Day Tour 4: Lac Hongrin (6/6) - Aigles (downhill)
Day Tour 4: Lac Hongrin - Montbovon to Les Agittes (full uphill)

Enjoy riding and keep smiling on uphills.

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