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Pico del Veleta downhill - The fck_cncr Ride for all Cancer Survivors/Warriors/Fighters/Caregivers

This is the Downhill Version of my Pico del Veleta Route and this is the Story behind: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here's some background of my journey that inspired me to ride this route: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3npN1lifNys Climbing the Pico de Veleta is one of the great cycling challenges in Europe. The mountain is the third highest peak in Spain, and also the highest paved road in Europe. It perhaps lacks the fame of Tourmalet, Ventoux or Alpe d'Huez; but Veleta is longer Veleta is in the Sierra Nevada mountain range in Andalucia, with the climb beginning in the city of Granada. The summit is at 3395 metres, and the total altitude gained during the climb is 2700m - more than twice the ascent of Tourmalet! The length of the climb is a huge 43 kilometres, giving an average gradient of 6.5%. Unfortunately, however, it is not a smooth 6.5% the whole way up; the last 8km average over 8%. By this stage, the air is getting quite thin and you will get that burning You will rarely get the chance to go so high on a bike, so make sure you ignore the pain and enjoy the amazing views - including the city of Granada. I did not choose the most well-known and busy A395 but the much more scenic, but harder route from Cenas de la Vega (just above Granada) through the beautiful Guejar Sierra to the "hotels". From here to the "Big Fair" where many prototype cars can be seen The last 900m were not rideable on my racing bike then you have to push and carry the last few meters.

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