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🛶 2024 for Novices 06

#06 of the 2024 series "Rowing for Newcomers"Short videos + action! Suggestions: Sound ON. Concentrate on rowing technique. Recommended rpm: 18-22 rows per minute, in sync with your breathing. Keep smiling! - If too much, then pause and save it, in order to continue later. We are on the river Mur in Austria, entering southern suburbs of Leoben. Let's go...! [Water level @Zeltweg: 242cm. Recorded on 2024-04-12. The end: Cam battery empty]

This video is part of the following playlists: "2024 🛶 Rowing for Newcomers 🌊", "Row 13 - 23 Min", "River Mur 🛶🚶🚴🇦🇹", "🛶 Row Austria 🇦🇹".

I am mostly visiting some special places in Central Europe - by kayak, by foot and on bike. Follow me to stay informed, or look at my archive...

☮ Make love, not war. Peace! ☮

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