× Kinomap, Be on Track!
RobiRini66 Nach RobiRini66

8.422 mi
102 ft

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K197 Campodolcino down to Chiavenna

Last and of downhil from Spluga Pass climb, starting from the nice town of Campodocino 

This route is characterized by very precise changes of slopes that make pedaling more realistic

Set your similation slope at minimum %

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On the same area you can find :

192 Valchiavenna

193 Chiavenna to Campodolcino

194 Spluga Pass from Campodolcino

195 Spluga Pass Downhill to Campodolcino

196 Spluga Pass from Chiavenna

197 Campodolcino down to Chiavenna

198 bicycle lane VALCHIAVENNA

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