× Kinomap, Be on Track!
FGKinomap Nach FGKinomap

27.148 mi
4219 ft

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Bike. 44 km. Italy-Liguria. Verrandi-Isolabona-Perinaldo-Dolceacqua1.47 min. 43,7 km. Sunny early morning.

Bike. 44 km. Late Summer Italy-Liguria Verrandi - Isolabona -Perinaldo - Dolceacqua 1.47 min. 43,7 km. Sunny early morning. Starting at 370 m alt, very steep downhill to the hamlets of Brunetti and Trinità. From 85 m alt. uphill to Verrandi. Climbing to 430 m alt., From thereon along the Strada degli Olandesi (the Dutchmen's Road) downhill to the confluence of the Barbaira and Nervia rivers at 70 m alt. Along the Nervia river upstream to the city of Isolabona, From thereon uphill to Apricale and through the woods to Perinaldo, Further uphill to Monte Belgestro at 555 m alt. Steep downhill to the city of Dolceacqua, crossing the bridge over the Nervia river at 55 m alt. Climbing back again to the "Dutchmen's Road" at 430 m alt, and back home.

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