× Kinomap, Be on Track!
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5.254 mi
1385 ft

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Historic Bridgeport Covered Bridge┃Climb From the Bridge to the Top (Ultra HD)

Here is the ride Down to the Bridge

The Bridgeport Covered Bridge was originally built in 1862. Located in South Yuba River State Park, the bridge spans 226 feet and is 16 feet wide. The Bridgeport Covered Bridge is the only remaining single-span Howe Truss-Burr Arch covered timber bridge of this size in the nation and is listed on the National Register of Historic Structures. It is a major attraction used by 150,000 visitors each year as a pedestrian bridge across the South Yuba River in Nevada County, California. The bridge was closed to public access after a timber survey in September 2011 revealed significant structural damage. The park desires to use the structure for pedestrian access and horse drawn wagons. The project focused on fully restoring and rehabilitating the existing structure.

As always, choose Discovery mode for a more realistic experience.

For your maximum enjoyment, this video was recorded and Uploaded in 4K Ultra HD

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