× Kinomap, Be on Track!
Vesku Nach Vesku

5.858 mi
341 ft

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🎅🏻🎄🎄❄️Finland Winter Wonderland - Seeking Santa In Vuokatti resort- Xmas tour

Xmas tour 🎅🏻🎄🎄❄️Winter Wonderland - Seeking Santa In Vuokatti resort - really nicely snowed trees Temperature crisp -16 C in morning just after sun rise. We go take a look few chalets nearby, ski jump towers and Vuokatti downhill slopes - where they are making artificial snow. Pavements for pedestrian and bikes are in super good condition. Here is lot of trails in summertime - in winter skiers are all over and from everywhere from the world. Enjoy ride with me!

Full HD video stabilized with GoPro Hypersmooth 4.0

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