× Kinomap, Be on Track!
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3.299 mi
1145 ft

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🚴 DayTour09: A magic day (2/10) - Plampro (uphill part 2, road)

A magic ride into the valley of Bagnes. 
You will start from a typical swiss village, passing some pitoresques small villages always climbing higher up in the valley until a stop just below a quite impresive dam wall reservoir. 
After a stop at the restaurant in Mauvoisin, you will ride up a bit more, passing some tunnels and then you will enter into the magic, a former glaciar world until you reach the the mountain restaurant at 2500 m, the cabane Chanrion.

If you just want to see the scenery on a less intens ride, so you may also ride just the downhill parts (8-10/10) or Stages (C,D,F/F)

And always remember, keep smiling on uphills.

Please find here the plan for the shorter parts:
- DayTour09: A magic day (1/10) - Loutier (uphill part 1, road)
- DayTour09: A magic day (2/10) - Plampro (uphill part 2, road)
- DayTour09: A magic day (3/10) - Fionnay (uphill part 3, road)
- DayTour09: A magic day (4/10) - Mauvoisin (uphill part 4, road)
- DayTour09: A magic day (5/10) - Pt.1987 (uphill part 5, gravel)
- DayTour09: A magic day (6/10) - La Barmes (uphill part 6 gravel)
- DayTour09: A magic day (7/10) - Cabane de Chanrion (uphill part 7, gravel)
- DayTour09: A magic day (8/10) - Pt.1987 (downhill part 1, gravel)
- DayTour09: A magic day (9/10) - Lac Mauvoisin (downhill part 2, gravel)
- DayTour09: A magic day (10/10) - Versegères (downhill part 3, road))
Please find here the plan for the longer stages:
- DayTour09: A magic day (A/F): Mauvoisin (uphill part 1, road)
- DayTour09: A magic day (B/F): Cabane de Chanrion - glaciar world (uphill part 2, gravel)
- DayTour09: A magic day (C/F): Lac Mauvoisin - glaciar world (downhill part 1, gravel)
- DayTour09: A magic day (D/F): Versegères (downhill part 2, road)
Please find here the plan for the uncutted rides:
- DayTour09: A magic day (E/F): Valley of Bagnes the full uphill
- DayTour09: A magic day (F/F): Valley of Bagnes the full downhill

Video recorded and uploaded in 2.7k format.

Enjoy riding and keep smiling on uphills.

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