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AngelG.Retamero Nach AngelG.Retamero

1.487 mi
148 ft

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Boston tour - TD Garden... From North End To Charlestown 🚶👩‍🎓

North End North End is one of Boston's oldest neighborhoods, known for its rich history and vibrant Italian-American culture. It features narrow, winding streets lined with Italian restaurants, bakeries, and cafes. Key landmarks include the Paul Revere House and the Old North Church. The neighborhood is also famous for hosting lively annual festivals, such as the Feast of Saint Anthony. Charlestown Charlestown is another historic neighborhood in Boston, located on a peninsula north of downtown. It is home to the Bunker Hill Monument and the USS Constitution, the oldest commissioned warship afloat. The area has a mix of old brick townhouses and new developments, offering a blend of historic charm and modern amenities. Charlestown also boasts scenic waterfront views and a community-oriented atmosphere.

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