× Kinomap, Be on Track!
UnggleThomi Nach UnggleThomi

76.851 mi
6342 ft

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Basic Endurance with one of 🇨🇭toughest climbs: Küsnacht-Haggenegg-Küsnacht

This is a tough one: 123 km and 1800 m with the MTB. Use it as basic endurance during long winter trainings. The first two hours are mainly flat. Then you go for one of the hardest climbs in Switzerland (Haggenegg, 6.74 mm, 844 m: this is the main reason, why I did the ride with the MTB, no chance for me with the road bike...). After 3 hours the descend begins (interrupted by one hard, short climb) and from hour 4 to 5 it is flat again. Synchronization is somehow a compromise but optimized for video and climbs (for video and map there is a gap of about 4 seconds): so, when you see the climb in the video, you feel the climb in your legs...! As a follow up of this video I will produce parts of it: along the Lake of Zug and the climb of Haggenegg itself.

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