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okada77 By okada77

1.702 mi
72 ft

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[Short Slow Japan Sights]seki-jyuku 三重県 関宿

Sekiyado, Kameyama City, Mie Pref. and others 10 min. 3km. It runs slowly, so please use it for running as well. The 47th post town on the Tokaido Highway that retains the townscape of the Edo period Tourist information website: https://www.kankomie.or.jp/special/sekijuku/ I am using the following equipment Insta360 X4 Z-axis stabilizer Zoom H1essential DaVinci Resolve 三重県亀山市 関宿 他 10分。3km。天気は晴れ。 江戸時代の町並みを色濃く残す東海道47番目の宿場町 観光案内HP: https://www.kankomie.or.jp/special/sekijuku/

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