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zulumatata By zulumatata

17.625 mi
459 ft

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🌴 Valle MAGGIA: Bignasco to Ponte Brolla

Enjoy the beauty of a series of typical valleys in the italian part of Switzerland, next to Ascona

The main valley of MAGGIA will split into 6 different other valleys called:
- Valle die Bosco Gurin
- Valle di Campo
- Val Lavizzara
- Valle di Pecia
- Val Sambuco

Please find here the plan for the VAL BAVONA:
- Val BAVONA (1/2): Bignasco to Foroglio 
- Val BAVONA (2/2): Foroglio to San Carlo (2/2)
- Val BAVONA: Bignasco to San Carlo - full uphill
- Val BAVONA: San Carlo to Bignasco - donwhill

You will find the other valley in my playlist called: "Valleys around Ascona".

Video recorded and uploaded in 2.7k format.

Enjoy riding and keep smiling on uphills.

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