Men's Elite Road Race, UCI Cycling World Championships, Glasgow 2023 (Video 4 of 7)
I'm incredibly lucky that the 2023 UCI Cycling World Championships are based in Glasgow and even luckier that the Men's Elite Road Race passes the end of the road where I live on Sunday 6th August. Much of the route I have already cycled and filmed and is available here on Kinomap, but I decided to film these again as close to the race as possible. The Scottish government is investing over £300m in repairing the roads that the UCI competitors will be using in the championships. Most of that work is still underway - and indeed at the end of this video, you'll see it stops at a road closure. I will need to go back one sunny day and refilm this (video 5). However, if you don't want to wait, you can cycle most of this section using this previously published video.
The Men's Elite Road Race covers 271km between Edinburgh and Glasgow finishing with 10 laps of a 14km route through Glasgow's City Centre. Some of the route I cannot film as it is over roads that will be closed for the race but which cyclists are not allowed on normally - e.g. the new Queensferry Crossing over the River Forth.
This video (#4) covers the route from the Falkirk Wheel to the end of the Carron Valley and is probably the most scenic of the 271km route.
The whole route is 271km, far too long for my old legs to do all in one go (and also too long for my old GoPro camera to film!) so I have divided the route up into six 'small' chunks that I can cycle and film as follows:
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Equally, if you follow me on Strava, you'll see what routes are likely to come up as videos a few days later as I record all my cycling activity on Strava.
If you want to try some more of my videos from Scotland, try these:
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