× Kinomap, Be on Track!
AShorty By AShorty

6.613 mi
1683 ft

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Climb to Super Saxel

Here we climb up the Signal Des Voirons to 'Super Saxel' Though the end is in the trees without a view, the ride up offers some great views overlooking lake Geneva, Alps and surrounding country side

This video can be combined (Part 4 of 7) with the Signal Des Voirons playlist to create a larger loop from La Plaine > Geneva > Signal Des Voirons > Annemasse > Geneva > La Plaine ride of around 100km.

Part of the Alps playlist

🔊 This video has sound, but it can be muted if preferred.

🚴 See my other videosmap, and playlists. Please feel free to leave comments so the next video can be even better. I hope you enjoy!

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