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FGKinomap By FGKinomap

7.191 mi
59 ft

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Bike. 12 km. Germany - North-Rhine-Westphalia. Rhine (Wesel-Ossenberg) (First Segment of Wesel-Orsoy-Wesel) 32 min. 11,6 km. Early Spring.Sun.

Bike. 12 km. Early Spring Germany - North-Rhine-Westphalia Rhine (Wesel-Ossenberg) (First Segment of Wesel-Orsoy-Wesel) 32 min. 11,6 km. Sun. First Segment of the Wesel-Orsoy-Wesel bike tour along the left and right banks of the Rhine river. Starting in Wesel near the confluence of the Rhine and Lippe rivers. Biking south on the left bank of the Rhine, passing the villages of Büderich and Wallach, ending this segment near the village of Ossenberg. Sunny weather (Some clouds) 12 min. 11,6 km. Footage April 2022

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