× Kinomap, Be on Track!
Malcolm Surgenor Por Malcolm Surgenor

6.573 mi
774 ft

- Visualizar en Kinomap

Crow Road North to South, Central Scotland

Crow Road North to South

The 'normal' way to do the famous Crow Road Hill Climb is South to North but this day it fitted in with a much longer ride that I was doing to do it from the North. There is still a long gentle climb to start this ride but then you get the very fast downhill section and the joy of watching and passing all the other cyclists struggling up the hill. 🤣 
I've done this route many times before and I have also featured it on Kinomap but usually in poor weather with wind and or rain. Today it was a gorgeous sunny day.
The mural at the very end features famous Scottish cyclist Robert Millar



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If you want to try some more of my videos from Scotland, try these:

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