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Robbyh Por Robbyh

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🏃‍♀️🌳🌤️ Line Dike in Hulst, The Netherlands

Hulst is a charming town located in the southwestern part of the Netherlands. Nestled near the Belgian border, it boasts a rich historical heritage and picturesque surroundings. The Liniedijk (Line of Communication): The Liniedijk, also known as the Line of Communication, was constructed during the Eighty Years’ War (Tachtigjarige Oorlog). It stretches for approximately two kilometers from Hulst to Zandberg. This unique piece of heritage served as a defensive connection between forts during the war. Today, it offers a beautiful route for walkers and cyclists, winding through lush flora and fauna. Imagine strolling along this ancient dike, surrounded by nature’s beauty, as you learn about its historical significance. Fort Moerschans, located northeast of the Dutch city of Hulst, was part of the Linie van Communicatie ten Oosten van Hulst (Line of Communication to the East of Hulst) and belonged to the Staats-Spaanse Linies (State-Spanish Lines). Constructed shortly after 1591 under the orders of Prince Maurits, who then held possession of Hulst, the fort played a strategic role during the Eighty Years’ War. It was recaptured in 1645 after changing hands several times. The fort’s bastions and moat still exist in the landscape, approximately halfway along the Liniedijk (Line Dike). 🏰🌿

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