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Trip around Bullerö, outer Stockholm Archipelago part 1

The island of Bullerö is special both from water and on land. The island is in the outer rims of the Stockholm archipelago. On the inner side the water is calm and protected from the Baltic sea. When we go around the island the slow rising swells increase to about half a meter and reason for being further away from the coast. The final approach to the port is very picturesque and there is a small surprise from land if you see the series. There are kayaks to rent at the port and areas to camp if you ever want to visit Bullerö. A little more about the museum at the museum. https://stockholmslansmuseum-se.translate.goog/besoksmal/bulleron/?_x_tr_sl=sv&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=sv

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