× Kinomap, Be on Track!
BorutOnTour Por BorutOnTour

2.033 mi
36 ft

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Zagreb 🚶 Botanical Garden

Zagreb Botanical Garden, opened to the public (with some interruptions) since 1891, is a Department of the Institute of Biology of the Zagreb Faculty of Science. Being centrally located, it is easily accessible and provides a wonderful and affordable (2 EUR per person/day in 2023) opportunity to spend some relaxing and refreshing time in cool shadows.

This walk starts at the Holocaust Victims Memorial and continues along the main railway station. After crossing the small Bridge of Love we first go around the Botanical garden, to finally enter it from the north. In the eastern part of the garden the current art exhibition in the pavilion will be visited. In the western part the mighty trees of Ginkgo biloba and Metasequoia glyptostroboides rise high high above us. Let's go...!

This video is a part of my playlist about Zagreb, Croatia's capital.

More special places will follow... By foot, by bike and by kayak. Stay tuned - maybe you would like to follow me...

☮ Make love, not war. Peace! ☮

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