× Kinomap, Be on Track!
Malcolm Surgenor Por Malcolm Surgenor

20.901 mi
69 ft

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Falkirk to Glasgow, Central Scotland

Falkirk to Glasgow

I used to work in Glasgow and every so often I would cycle the 20-odd miles (30kms), usually taking National Cycle Route 75 along the Forth and Clyde canal, into the city. I'm not a great fan of canal paths but it does make for a relatively easy, flat cycle. On this Autumn day I was blessed with a lovely sunny day and heading West I had the morning sun behind me.  I appreciate not everyone wants to do a 90 minute Kinomap video so I have also split this into three smaller sections that I will publish shortly.  I also have another video beyond this one taking you into the city and out to Glasgow Airport along the busy roads.

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