× Kinomap, Be on Track!
Robbyh Par Robbyh

2.721 mi
476 ft

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Belgian Woods 02: Early Morning track 🪻🪻🪻around Hotonde hill

The Hotondberg, located in the Flemish Ardennes, is the highest point in East Flanders, rising approximately 145 meters above sea level. As you explore the area, you’ll encounter beautiful forests, meadows, and breathtaking views. Start your journey at the top of Hotondberg, where panoramic vistas of the Zwalm Valley and the Oost-Vlaamse hills await. Wander through the Beiaard- and fonteinbos, and be rewarded with stunning panoramas. Conclude your walk at the 18th-century Hotondmolen, where you can enjoy refreshments while soaking in the hillside views.

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