× Kinomap, Be on Track!
JozuaVanDuuren Par JozuaVanDuuren

1.631 mi
0 ft

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Het paradijs

The landscape in this part of the Gelderse Vallei was formed in the last ice age. The raised sand remained on top of the seepage heads with rising water, so that the area could grow into an elevation in the Gelderse Vallei. The location of the buildings and the pattern of streams remained virtually unchanged for centuries. In the area there are still many fields and meadows surrounded by wooded banks, stream valley groves and moist heathland. Because the private owners of the many estates did not participate in reparcelling, the camp landscape has hardly changed in the last century. The management of the area is aimed at preserving the landscape with the historic farms and natural values. The untouched landscape consists of scattered farms, small fields surrounded by hedgerows, stream valley groves, beech lanes, a damp heath and meadows.

Classement des meilleurs temps

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