× Kinomap, Be on Track!
RobbieRensenbrink Par RobbieRensenbrink

6.839 mi
869 ft

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Lerderderg Gorge CX Gravel Fest, 6/6, Lerderderg Camping Ground to Carolls Lane

***UPDATE  I have made an error with uploading, when turning from the campground climb onto Firth rd, there is a stop for a few seconds.  I cut this out in another version but uploaded the old one with the stop.  My apologies.****  Rough wide gravel tracks with a lot of corrugation.  This ride starts at the Lerderderg Campground with a steep uphill climb to O'Briens Road. Then it continues to Firth Road and ending at Carrols Lane.  There are a lot of steep, short climbs and downhills.

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