× Kinomap, Be on Track!
FGKinomap Par FGKinomap

19.385 mi
2713 ft

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Bike. 31 km. Italy - Liguria. Isolabona - Dolceacqua 1:10 min. 31,3 km. Sunny early morning

Bike. 31 km. Late summer Italy-Liguria Isolabona - Dolceacqua 1:10 min. 31,3 km. Sunny early morning Starting at 320 m alt. in the hills of the Ligurian province of Ventimiglia. Descending on the Strada deglia Olandesi (Dutchmen's Road) and along the Barbaira river to 70 m. alt. in the valley of the Nervia river. Along the Nervia river upstream to the city of Isolabona, From thereon uphill to the city of Apricale and through the woods to Perinaldo, Further uphill to Monte Belgestro at 555 m alt. Steep downhill to the city of Dolceacqua, crossing the bridge over the Nervia river at 55 m alt. Climbing back againto the "Dutchmen's Road" at 340 m alt.

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