× Kinomap, Be on Track!
tmilligan Par tmilligan

13.097 mi
866 ft

- Regarder sur Kinomap

Tennessee Backroads - Natchez Trace Parkway - Northern Endpoint to Pinewood Access Road - Ultra HD

A spring ride when the Dogwoods and Eastern Redbuds are still blooming and all the other trees are just starting to leaf out.

The ride begins at the northern terminus of the Natchez Trace Parkway and proceeds southbound ending at the Pinewood Road parkway access road.

The northbound ride from the ending point of this ride at the Pinewood Road parkway access road to the begin-point of this ride at the northern terminus of the Natchez Trace Parkway is here: https://videos.kinomap.com/en/watch/qmazuf


4K, 60fps, 100mbs bit rate, Horizon Leveling - Hypersmooth 6.0, Max Superview FOV, Max Lens Mod 2.0

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