× Kinomap, Be on Track!
thereynes Par thereynes

22.546 mi
3619 ft

- Regarder sur Kinomap

California Gold Country┃Gravel Roads and Old Bridges (🇺🇸California)

A long loop in California Gold Country with a mix of paved and gravel roads. Ride up Rock Creek followed by a fast downhill to the Edwards Crossing Bridge over the South Yuba River, up on the other side on Grizzly hill to North Columbia. From there Jackass Flats road will take you to Purdon rd and Purdon bridge. Enjoy!

Check these playlists If you like long rides or rides in California Gold Country.

No Shaking. Video recorded in HD with Hypersmooth Stabilization
No Stops. Stops longer than a few seconds have been edited out.
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Ride on! 💪👍

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