× Kinomap, Be on Track!
Marmotte Par Marmotte

6.461 mi
2024 ft

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⛰️ Maurienne / Col du Glandon Part 1/3

Col du Glandon with its 1924m altitude was part of the Tour de France several times. Although other cols are more popular in this area we like the Glandon very much. It has a pleasant gradiant (except the very last bit) and provides beautiful views. Also the roads are not too busy as compared to Galibier for example. Enjoy this first part of the col du Glandon and if you like, check out the second part in one of our other videos. The final part will follow soon!

For more rides to other cols (and also flat parts) in the area, you may have a look at our French Alps and Jura playlist

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