× Kinomap, Be on Track!
KevinScott Par KevinScott

1347 yd
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☀️🚣‍♀️🌴Poe Morning Flat Waters #3

🇳🇨🚣‍♂️ Row those glassy waters by an early morning and its particular lights. Sometimes you cannot tell where the sea ends and where the sky begins !
Watch part #2 of this training here

🎥 360 camera on board allowing different point of views : stern view, and  3rd person facing forward 

🌴 Check out my most viewed rowing videos here !

🤙 Follow my dedicated facebook page to get more info about my training content, an join the Kinomap Rowing Community

🧡 Give it a like if you enjoyed it  and follow me to get notified when I post new videos. Enjoy your training on Kinomap !


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