× Kinomap, Be on Track!
Malcolm Surgenor Par Malcolm Surgenor

7.867 mi
1286 ft

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Lluc to Coll dels Reis, Mallorca

Lluc to Coll dels Reis

I've always wanted to cycle up the climb from Sa Calobra to the Coll dels Reis (682m) and despite holidaying and cycling on Mallorca for many years, I'd never plucked up the motivation to do it - until this year (2023).  The challenge is that it's not just the 9km of intense climb - it's the 40km of cycling and climbs I have to travel from our house in Pollenca to get to the start!  

I recognise that not everyone wants to do 40km in one ride - especially as there are also several stiff climbs, so I've split this journey into several (x11) smaller segments.

This part of the journey covers the road from the turn-off to Lluc to the summit of Coll dels Reis. You get some gorgeous views out to sea and the climb to the Coll dels Reis after the Gorg Blau Aqueduct but you don't get the fun downhill into Sa Calobra!

This [playlist] covers the return journey and the following videos cover the outward journey(also covered by this [playlist]).

Pollença to Sa Calobra

  1. Pollença to Sa Batalla - including the climbs to Coll de Femenia and Coll de la Battalla (19.6km) 
  2. Lluc to Sa Calobra (22.5km)
  3. Lluc to the Coll dels Reis (12.7km)
  4. Lluc to Aqüeducte des torrent des Gorg Blau (10km)
  5. Lluc to Sa Batalla (1.4km)
  6. Sa Batalla to Sa Calobra (21.1km)
  7. Sa Batalla to Coll dels Reis (11.2km)
  8. Sa Batalla to Aqüeducte des torrent des Gorg Blau (8.6km)
  9. Aqüeducte des torrent des Gorg Blau to Sa Calobra (12.5km)
  10. Aqüeducte des torrent des Gorg Blau to Coll dels Reis (2.6km)
  11. Coll dels Reis to Sa Calobra (9.9km)

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