× Kinomap, Be on Track!
BorutOnTour Par BorutOnTour

2.918 mi
696 ft

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Leoben 🚶 Westward Uphill

Steady, long uphill walk, mostly through the forest. Start from the bridge over the river Mur, having the final destination in sight: A viewpoint above the vertical cliffs of the local hill Häuselberg. After endless wide zig-zags, we reach the viewpoint and enjoy the panoramic vista. Far down below is a bridge from which we started...

Want to row the river Mur? No problem - see my video Leoben 🛶 Mur Tour. (BTW, you know that you can also "walk or ride on the water" using your running and cycling fitness equipment, don't you?)

More of my videos: Playlist about the Leoben region (central Austria, EU).

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