× Kinomap, Be on Track!
Malcolm Surgenor Da Malcolm Surgenor

7.044 mi
787 ft

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Crow Road (North to South), Central Scotland

Crow Road (North to South)

The Crow Road, just north of Glasgow, is one of the more famous cycle climbs in Central Scotland.  I've videoed it before but with the steepest hill climb first. This video takes you from the Northside of the hill up the gentle (!) slopes before enjoying the very fast downhill section into the town of Lennoxtown.  Whilst it was a gorgeous sunny day when I started, as we climbed up into the hills I'm afraid the weather closed in and the rain started.  I tried to keep the lens as clean as I could through the cycle but when travelling at speed downhill on bumpy roads I try to avoid taking my hands off the handlebars!  Hopefully, the good telemetry and the low-quality video still give you a good workout?! 

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