× Kinomap, Be on Track!
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5.822 mi
115 ft

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Lake Neusiedl Tour Part 6/8 | Rust ➡️ Oggau

Lake Neusiedl, it is the largest endorheic lake in Central Europe (315 km2). The lake's drainage basin has an area of about 1,120 km2. From north to south, the lake is about 36 km long, and it is between 6 km and 12 km wide from east to west. On average, the lake's surface is 115.45 m above the Adriatic Sea.

  • Austria | Neusiedler-See Runde 1/8 | Neusiedl > Weiden
  • Austria | Neusiedler-See Runde 2/8 | Weiden > Podersdorf
  • Austria | Neusiedler-See Runde 3/8 | Podersdorf > Illmitz
  • Austria | Neusiedler-See Runde 4/8 | Illmitz > Mörbisch
  • Austria | Neusiedler-See Runde 5/8 | Mörbisch > Rust
  • Austria | Neusiedler-See Runde 6/8 | Rust > Oggau
  • Austria | Neusiedler-See Runde 7/8 | Oggau > Breitenbrunn
  • Austria | Neusiedler-See Runde 8/8 | Breitenbrunn > Neusiedl



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