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BorutOnTour Da BorutOnTour

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🚶 Frozen Lake Pack

Join me on this easy short walk on the bottom of the lake, with my head being one meter (3ft) below the usual water level. Lets'go...!

Lake Pack (germ. Packer Stausee) is a hydroelectric reservoir in southern Austria. Its level has currently been lowered due to work on the over 90 years old dam. A beautiful sunny evening turned into a special opportunity... Let us hope that in the worm period, after the works are completed, its level will be restored again. I'll be back than, with my head one meter above the water... 🛶🙂 [Recorded on 2024-01-31]

This video is part of the playlist 🚶 Mountain Lakes. I am mostly visiting some special places in Central Europe - by kayak, by foot and on bike. Follow me to stay informed, or look at my archive...

☮ Make love, not war. Peace! ☮

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