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BorutOnTour Da BorutOnTour

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River Enns 🛶 2/7

Join the three of us on a two day September 2023 tour, which we did on two weekends. In this part: On Enns, from Liezen to Pürgschachen. This is the first day, after the first break..

River Enns, 253km in length, is the longest river solely in Austria. Regulated in the middle of the 19th century, it is nevertheless a paradise for paddling, as well as for biking along its valley. [Recorded on 2023-09-10]

For other parts of this tour see the playlist "River Enns 🛶🚶🚴🇦🇹". This video is also part of the playlist "🛶 Row Austria 🇦🇹".

More special places will follow... Mostly by kayak and by foot. Maybe you would like to follow me to be informed of the new videos, when they come out...

☮ Make love, not war. Peace! ☮

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