× Kinomap, Be on Track!
zulumatata Da zulumatata

5.632 mi
951 ft

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🚴DayTour 07:SanBernardino (4/14) - Zills

Enjoy this very long day tour from Chur to Bellinzona. The sun was hidden for the first 90 minutes, but then came out!
You will start in a pitoresque town, following small typical villages, lovely countrysides and a spetacular uphill and downhill over the col de San Bernardino. At the end, you will just stop in the historical center of Bellinzona. Time for a good espresso.

To make it for everybody accessable, the entire ride is splitted into smaller parts (1 to 14) around 30 minutes each, as well as longer stages (A to D).

Allways remember:  *** Keep smiling on uphills! ***
Please find here the plan for the parts:
DayTour 07:SanBernardino (1/14) - Domat-Ems
DayTour 07:SanBernardino (2/14) - Rothenbrunnen (gravel)
DayTour 07:SanBernardino (3/14) - Thusis
DayTour 07:SanBernardino (4/14) - Zills
DayTour 07:SanBernardino (5/14) - Lai de Seara
DayTour 07:SanBernardino (6/14) - Sufers
DayTour 07:SanBernardino (7/14) - Splügen
DayTour 07:SanBernardino (8/14) - Nufenen
DayTour 07:SanBernardino (9/14) - Hinterrhein
DayTour 07:SanBernardino (10/14) - Col de San Bernardino
DayTour 07:SanBernardino (11/14) - PianDaGiacomo
DayTour 07:SanBernardino (12/14) - Lavina
DayTour 07:SanBernardino (13/14) - Grono
DayTour 07:SanBernardino (14/14) - Bellinzona
Please find here the plan for the stages:
DayTour 07:SanBernardino (A/D) - Thusis
DayTour 07:SanBernardino (B/D) - Splügen
DayTour 07:SanBernardino (C/D) - Col de San Bernardino
DayTour 07:SanBernardino (D/D) - Bellinzona

Video recorded and uploaded in 2.7k format.

Enjoy riding and keep smiling on uphills.

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