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NordicMotion Da NordicMotion

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Incredible smooth rock formations kayak tour Lysekil, Sweden (2/4)

This is one of the most incredible kayak tours I have taken. Rock formations that are millions of years old. The smooth surface comes from tons of packed snow pushing small rocks forming the smooth surface. Sweden is pretty much a big rock and you can see it here without all the vegetation. A big query industry existed in the region and you can see the results. The kayak trip is a 4 part series starting and ending at Norra Grundsund. Great small restaurant to end the tour. There are several fun small passages only accessible by kayak. Had to be cautious with speed due to low tide. In the second part we target a light house before turning towards Storakorno. In the 3rd part when crossing a heavily trafficked area you can see high rock formation. Hope you enjoy the tour as a I did! PS-Part 4 you actually see a bee around 18:34 seconds for 10 seconds. The bee was checking out the GoPro in close proximity. Luckily it was not interested in me.

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