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BorutOnTour Da BorutOnTour

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Upstream 🛶 Feistritz Lake

A short, easy and tranquil video, suitable for beginners.

Let us leave the "Zikkurat bay" and finish the visit to lake Feistritz (altitude: ~460m) (wiki in German) on the river Drau/Drava. I headed upstream (the stream being virtually unnoticeable here) towards a nearby bridge, under which I would change the lake side and return to the starting marine on the right (southern) side. But alas, it was already high noon and very hot. The weather change can be seen approaching on the horizon. The camera overheated very soon. I spent a wonderful time in the shadow of the bridge, what was unfortunately not filmed. [Recorded on 2023-08-23. The end: Camera overheated]

This video is part of the playlist 🛶 Row Austria 🇦🇹

Other videos at Feistritz Lake:
Swan Lake 🛶 Feistritz Lake
Karawanks 🛶 Feistritz Lake
Zikkurat 🛶 Feistritz Lake
Zikkurat 🚶 Feistritz Lake
Upstream 🛶 Feistritz Lake (this one)

There are more kayaking, walking and biking videos on river Drau/Drava - see the playlist "River Drau🇦🇹 / 🇸🇮Drava 🛶🚶🚴".

Many more special places will follow... Mostly by kayak and by foot. Maybe you would like to follow me to be informed of the new videos, when they come out...

☮ Make love, not war. Peace! ☮

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