× Kinomap, Be on Track!
BorutOnTour Da BorutOnTour

14.269 mi
180 ft

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Zagreb 🚴 Embankments

After the Sava river devastating flood of Zagreb in 1964 it was decided to construct an elaborate system of embankments along the river (as a defense stage A) and a reserve relief canal to let the surplus water rapidly go away if need be (as a defense stage B). In this very long, flat, slow ride just a small part of the stage A defenses can be seen

About the filming: Gray weather, rough riding surfaces, unusable sound, multiple camera stabilization issues - not a video to be proud of! But well, it is here in case someone will be interested in the topic. However, I strongly recommend a challenge mode, since otherwise it will be too long and too dull.

This video is a part of my playlist about Zagreb, Croatia's capital.

More special places will follow... By foot, by bike and by kayak. Stay tuned...

☮ Make love, not war. Peace! ☮

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