× Kinomap, Be on Track!
Pep Salva Da Pep Salva

32.751 mi
7461 ft

- Guarda su Kinomap

Port d'Envalira twice, Pic Maia and Pic Blanc (Andorra)

Ascent to the port of Envalira, 1st Category Special Dificulty (hors catégorie) Port.
Ascent to the Pic Blanc in Grau-Roig Ski Resort.
Acent to the Pic del Maià.
Ascent to the port of Envalira from the other side, 2st Category Port.

Ending abruptly due to bursting the two wheels...

This video is part of my project to record the 21 Mountain Passes in Andorra: 21 Ports of Andorra and Full Routes 21 Ports of Andorra
Recorded on July 09, 2022

My Equipment, BTT bike:
- Orbea Oiz M10 2020
- Garmin Fenix 5 Zafiro
- GoPro HERO9 Black

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