× Kinomap, Be on Track!
BorutOnTour Da BorutOnTour

3.677 mi
1417 ft

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🚶↗️⛰️ "Auf der Schön"

Is an hour of a steady uphill along a forest road too much for you? 400m of a vertical gain? At the end, from a peak at 1178m, five minutes of a breath taking panorama are awaiting!

Here we are moving under a Knight's Path - one of the castle ruins can at some moments be seen on a distant cliff, above the forest. [Recorded on 2024-01-13]

More of my videos: Playlist about the Leoben region (central Austria, EU).

In 2023 I visited many very special places - by foot, by bike and by kayak. Look at my archive...

☮ Make love, not war. Peace! ☮

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