× Kinomap, Be on Track!
AShorty Da AShorty

10.126 mi
650 ft

- Guarda su Kinomap

Geneva to Graizier

From Geneva we head through fields, forests and small Swiss villages on the outskirts of Geneva Switzerland, until we reach the start of the mountain climb of Signal Des Voirons

This video can be combined (Part 3 of 7) with the Signal Des Voirons playlist to create a larger loop from La Plaine > Geneva > Signal Des Voirons > Annemasse > Geneva > La Plaine ride of around 100km.

🔊 This video has sound, but it can be muted if preferred.

🚴 See my other videos here or map here Please feel free to leave comments so the next video can be even better or to request new rides!

🎉 I hope you enjoy!

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