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Pep Salva By Pep Salva

5.536 mi
1598 ft

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Coll d'Ordino from Canillo (πŸ‡¦πŸ‡©πŸ”οΈ Cat 2 πŸ”΅)

Ascent to the port of Coll d'Ordino from Canillo, 2nd Category Port.

Its category is 2a (accessible). Andorra Cycling Route 2 starts in Canillo, on the roundabout that leads to the Coll d’Ordino along the road to Montaup. At this point there is a gradient of 6.8%, which ends up as 6.1%. Therefore the average gradient up and down is 5.1% with a total difference in level of 457 metres and a distance of 8.9 kilometres.
The curiosities along the route include the fact that the climb to the Casamanya begins at the end of the Pass (2,740 metres), which is in the centre of the country and one of the most visited places in Andorra. It is also possible to climb the Coll d’Ordino on the Ordino side (Andorra Cycle Route 7).

This video is part of my project to record the 21 Mountain Passes in Andorra: 21 Ports of Andorra and Full Routes 21 Ports of Andorra
Information about the route here
Recorded on May 15, 2022

My Equipment, BTT bike:
- Orbea Oiz M10 2020
- Garmin Fenix 5 Zafiro
- GoPro HERO9 Black

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