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17.177 mi
1076 ft

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Lanzarote Ironman Pt6 Mirador del Rio to Teguise

Lanzarote Ironman Bike Route - Part 6 – Mirador del Rio to Teguise

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A long decent brings you back down to the coast and the town of Arrieta.  You follow a major road past Mala and Guatiza before turning off for Teguise.

Now you climb back up to the spine of the island though Teseguite and back into Teguise.

In the next section you retrace you retrace your steps to the wine district.

I hope you enjoyed the ride 🙂

Links to each section below

Part 1 Puerto del Carmen to La Geria

Part 2 La Geria to Playa Blanca

Part 3 Playa Blanca to Tinguatón

Part 4 Tinguatón to Teguise

Part 5 Teguise to Mirador del Rio

Part 6 Mirador del Rio to Teguise

Part 7 Teguise to Tinguatón

Part 8 Tinguatón to Puerto del Carmen

#ClubLaSanta #PuertoDelCarmen #Ironman #Lanzarote #Triathlon


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