× Kinomap, Be on Track!
FGKinomap FGKinomap

17.485 mi
1969 ft

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Bike. 28 km. Summer. Italy-Tuscany. Riserva Naturale Monterufoli-Micciano-Libbiano. 1 hr 21 min. 28,3 km

Bike. 28 km. Summer Italy - Tuscany Riserva Naturale Monterufoli Libbiano-Micciano-Libbiano 1 hr 21 min. 28,3 km Sun Bike workout, clockwise, mainly on the dirt roads of the Monterufoli Caselli Nature Preserve in Tuscany, Italy. Starting at 430 m. alt in the Antico Borgo of Libbiano. Through the nature preserve, climbing to 510 m alt. and descending to the next borgo, Micciano. Then a steep descent with lots of hairpins to the valley of the Fosso Adio and Torrente Trossa at 101 m. alt. From thereon climbing all the way back to Libbiano. Woods and fields in the colors of the Tuscan summer on a beautiful sunny afternoon. With markers every (few) kilometer(s) (and some information on the surroundings). Footage July 2022


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