× Kinomap, Be on Track!
BorutOnTour BorutOnTour

1.164 mi
423 ft

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🚶 Blossom on Mt.Gulsenberg

Mt. Gulsenberg - a quite rare habitat of Ericaceae (Ger. Heidekraut, Erika) in Austria - comes to full blossom in late March. A combination of acidic soil, southern mountain slopes and pine tree shadows makes this possible. Try this interval training in the forest full of purple color.

Tragically - as you will see for yourself - the climate is here becoming too dry for the pine trees. They are weakened and then a thunderstorm does the rest... No trees -> No shadow  -> No Ericaceae -> No magic blossom in March.

More of my videos: Playlist about the Leoben region (central Austria, EU).

BTW, in 2023 I'll try to visit a lot of very special places - by foot, by bike and by kayak. Stay tuned...

☮ Make love, not war. Peace! ☮


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