× Kinomap, Be on Track!
Hub Smits Cycling Hub Smits Cycling

7.66 mi
1083 ft

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17-06-2023 🇧🇪🇳🇱☀️ Part 4 out of 7 of a 103Km ride, 🌲🌳🏔️🚵Drielandenpunt Vaals.

Your ride will lead over slightly 🚵♒ sloping terrain on country 🏞️ roads and paved forest paths.

During this ride you Have to manage 2 Climbs, The first one is 🏔️🚵 Rue de Beusdael vanuit Sippenaeken which is 3,4 Km long with an average Grade of 4,5% and a max Grade of 8,7%/ The second climb is 🏔️🚵 Côte des Trois Frontières and is 2,2 Km long with an average Grade of 4,8% and a max Grade of 8,9%.

You also will pass some nice places and small 🏘️ villages like: Sinnich, Beusdeal, Sippenaeken, Gemmenich and finally Drielandenpunt Vaals.

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This video is recorded and uploaded in 4K ultra HD.


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